Long Story Short: Things to Put Under an Air Mattress while Camping: there are lots of things you can put under your air mattress to make your air mattress warm and keep it from the cold ground and those things are mats, blankets, sheets, foam pads, and lots of things.

The number one reason you need to put something under an air mattress while camping because air mattresses don’t have good insulation,

And because of poor insulation, your air mattress can become cold at night.

You need to also protect your air mattress from sharp objects, uneven surfaces, rocks, and cold ground.

So you have to put something under your air mattress.

But what to put under an air mattress while camping?

You can put Sheets, Blankets, Foam mats, Clothes, Groundsheets, Dri Dek, Camping Cots, Car Floor Mats, Tarps, Rolling Foam Pads, and other things under an air mattress while camping.

Don’t worry, don’t get confused.

We will discuss each and every things that I mentioned above in deep and how to use them perfectly and make your air mattress warmer.

I will also tell my personal experience about putting things under an air mattress to increase their warmth and insulation.

Let’s get started.

Things To Put Under An Air Mattress While Camping

Put Under An Air Mattress While Camping

Here are a few different options to put under an air mattress while camping.

You can choose these options according to your preference and comfort.

And you can also combine some options for more comfort, insulation, and warmth.

1. Foam Mattress Pads Or Sleeping Pad

Don’t get confused when I say foam mattress pad and sleeping pad because both are the same.

Lots of people also call them foam mattress toppers.

Basically, the idea here is simple, you can put a foam mattress pad under your air mattress which will insulate your air mattress from the ground.

These pads are cheap and very comfortable.

And you can even choose its thickness depending on your preference.

These pads will also protect your air mattress from getting punctured by sharp objects on the ground.

Also Read: 9 Ways to Keep Air Mattress Warm When Camping

2. Yoga Mats or Car Floor Mats

Put Under An Air Mattress While Camping

If you can’t find foam mattress pads or sleeping pads then you can also use yoga mats which can be available anywhere for a dollar or two prices.

But if you are already on the camp and don’t find yoga mats then you can also use your SUV’s Floor Mats.

This is a pretty clever hack if you don’t have anything to put under your air mattress.

3. Blankets or Sheets

This option seems pretty simple because you can put a thick blanket or sheets under your air mattress.

But remember blankets or sheets can’t make your air mattress warmer but they can increase the insulation of your air mattress and keep the air mattress away from the cold ground.

You can also put blankets on your air mattress to keep you warm.

Blankets and sheets will protect your air mattress from rocks and sharp objects.

4. Wool Blanket or Tarp

Put Under An Air Mattress While Camping

Wool blankets are made from wool that can be used in many ways.

But putting a wool blanket under your air mattress will protect your air mattress and increase its warmth.

Wool is an excellent insulator that can even work on wet surfaces so if you are camping on the wet ground then wool will absorb the moisture.

You can also put a wool blanket on a sleeping pad and then place your air mattress on top for more warmth and insulation.

On the other hand, tarps are perfect for camping and they are lightweight & easy to carry.

These tarps can also protect your air mattress from sharp objects and cold ground.

Also Read: 9 Best Dog Proof Air Mattress For Camping

5. Dri Dek

Dri Dek is a material that you can use for different situations.

And they provide comfort, increase air circulation and protect the bottom of your air mattress.

This dri deck is made from a plastic substance that comes in the form of tiles.

So you can purchase any amount of Dri Dek according to the space under your air mattress.

5. Camping Cot

I know camping cot can be heavy and hard to carry but if you want ultimate protection from dirt, sharp objects, uneven surface, rocks, and cold ground then you need to purchase a good camping cot for your air mattress.

But camping cot can be expensive and heavy.

So use this option if you are going for car camping because these camping cots are not for a backpacking trip.

6. Sheep Skin Rug

Back in hundreds or thousands of years, most people used sheepskin rugs for good insulation and warmth.

They have durable leather back that lays flat on the ground.

You can find sheepskin rugs in almost every size.

They are not waterproof but they are lightweight.

You can put these types of sheepskin rugs under your air mattress to increase its insulation.

7. Carpet

This option is too obvious and straightforward.

You can put a carpet under your air mattress to protect it from cold ground, sharp objects, and dust.

You can roll a carpet and pack it in your backpack.

8. Ground Sheet

If the ground is wet then the ground sheet can be perfect to put under your air mattress because it will protect your air mattress from dirt, dust, and sharp objects.

These groundsheets are waterproof so you can place them anywhere.

Groundsheets will keep your air mattress dry, and comfortable and increase its insulation.

How to Keep an Air Mattress From Getting Cold

Air mattresses can be very cold during winter nights because air mattresses don’t have good insulation.

The ground will absorb the heat from the air mattress and the air mattress will absorb heat from your body so that’s how you sleep cold on an air mattress.

So give your air mattress proper insulation by putting things like blankets, carpets, sheets, or mats under your air mattress.

You can use a thermal mattress pad and foam mattress pad to protect your air mattress from cold ground.

The best thing to put under an air mattress while camping

The best thing to put under an air mattress while camping is a foam mattress pad or sleeping mattress pad. 

because they not make your air mattress comfortable but also create good insulation on air mattresses.

They are also lightweight, easy to carry, and cheap.

What to Put Over an Air Mattress while Camping

If you want to put something on your air mattress then you can put sheets, blankets, foam mattress toppers, and egg crate foam over your air mattress.

These will keep your body away from cold air mattresses and make you more comfortable and warmer.

So you can put anything on your air mattress while camping to make the air mattress more comfortable.

Final Words

Putting things under your air mattress not only increase the insulation in the air mattress but also protects the air mattress from uneven ground, sharp objects, dust, and dirt.

So you need to put sheets, carpets, blankets, and pads under your air mattress to make your air mattress comfortable and warmer during camping.

If you have any questions regarding putting things under an air mattress while camping then you can ask them in the comment section of this article.